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From National Identity to Social Class: Democratic Progressive Party's Shifting Discourse about Cross-Strait Trade Issues
作者 吳迪 (WU Di)
民進黨主席蔡英文於2010 年ECFA 辯論會中,以貿易政策引發的階級衝突為主軸,回應執政者發展主義論述,並成為該黨2012 年總統大選「公平正義」口號之濫觴。與2008 年選舉民進黨訴求之重大兩岸經貿議題「一中市場」相較,此動員路線轉折貼合近年臺灣政治分歧變遷圖像。
本研究旨分析為何民進黨於ECFA 議題中形成顯著階級動員論述。過去文獻分析兩岸經貿的階級政治,多以貿易政治理論檢視民眾政黨認同是否受兩黨兩岸經貿政策影響。然以政黨為主要行動者而論,經貿政策與選民階級基礎的正向關係為民進黨兩岸經貿政策否定:民進黨「積極開放、有效管理」政策利益與其農工階級支持基礎相矛盾,階級因素的適切性始見於民進黨執政後期的「積極管理、有效開放」。基於主流理論詮釋本研究問題之因果推論斷裂,筆者在歷史社會學架構下,透過檔案分析以及與民進黨兩岸事務決策者的訪談,勾勒本研究核心問題:以陳水扁「兩岸關係正常化」主張為敘事起點,解構民進黨2010 年的ECFA 階級訴求,如何在歷史、結構、行動者與機遇事件中相互作用並形成。
Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) chairwoman Tsai Ing-wen raised the potential social class problem generated by the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) in 2010. Compared to the contested “one-China market” issue raised during the 2008 election, the shifting discourse about cross-Strait trade issues conforms to the recent changes in Taiwanese political cleavage.
This research aims to trace the development of DPP’s class conflict discourse about ECFA. Past literatures examine the class politics of cross-Strait trade issues primarily through trade politics theory, thus focusing on the two parties’ policy positions and their relation with the supporters’ class alignments. Yet, this viewpoint does not conform to cross-Strait trade policy history: DPP’s “proactive liberalization” policy is not in line with the interest of its own class alignment. Due to this misinterpretation, this research utilizes documentary analysis and semi-structured interviews under a historical sociology framework to answer the research question: How did history, structures, and agents jointly formulate DPP’s discourse shift from national identity to social class in the cross-Strait trade issues.
起訖頁 157-201
關鍵詞 歷史社會學政治分歧民主進步黨兩岸經貿政策貿易政治學Historical SociologyPolitical CleavageDemocratic Progressive PartyCross-Strait Trade PolicyTrade Politics
刊名 思與言  
期數 201606 (54:2期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 「差異化治理」與「民主參與」:臺灣因應貿易自由化的貿易調整協助就業政策分析
該期刊-下一篇 「診斷臺灣:民主的危機或轉機」座談會




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