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A New Turning Point of Long Term Care Policy in Taiwan
作者 吳肖琪 (Shiao Chi Wu)
After the effort of government and non-government organizations, the omnibus long-term care (LTC) services act was announced by president on June 3, 2015. Although this act is to integrate the related acts of LTC services and construct the network of LTC in order to propose a better deliver system and quality assurance, there are still challenges in quality, quantity, distribution, integration and efficiency issues in our LTC system. In the rapid ageing society, the people with multi-comorbidity, the demand of LTG service and the living alone elderly are rapidly increased. Under the limited health care finance and the shortage of family care giver, government should provide more efficient and integrated medical and LTC services, and encourage LTC institute to provide multi-function services, and give multi-skill training to LTC workers. The Taiwan LTC project version 2.0 extend the service to disable person younger than 50 years old, and try to develop integrated community long term care system, and strengthen the electronic management system of LTC. The integration of data management will be helpful to build a better and efficient LTC services, and transfer the LTC system to National LTC Insurance in the future.
起訖頁 1-8
關鍵詞 長期照顧服務法長照十年計畫2.0整合式照護專業人員多技巧機構多功能Long-term Care Services ActLong-term Care for the Decade version 2.0integrated carestaffs with multi-skillinstitution with multi-function
刊名 長期照護雜誌  
期數 201704 (21:1期)
出版單位 社團法人台灣長期照護專業協會
該期刊-下一篇 嘉義縣社區整體照顧 ABC 模式──民雄、溪口




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