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Analysis for the Physical Aggressive Behavior of Persons with Dementia in Long-term Care Facilities
作者 黃素妃王寶英
Physical aggressive behavior of persons with dementia is the main causes of stress of healthcare providers. If healthcare providers can effectively and efficiently manage violent situations, it will tremendously improve the care quality. The main purpose of this study is to discuss the common situations and types of physical aggressive behavior of dementia, and the response of healthcare providers in engaging of physical aggressive behavior of the persons with dementia. In this study, a purposeful sampling was used to enroll a total of 195 participants among 11 dementia care facilities in Taiwan. A structured questionnaire was used for the data collection. We found that 82.1% healthcare providers have the experiences of being attacked physically by the persons with dementia, and most of the occurring frequency is at least once monthly. Among 17 commonly occurred events in triggering physical aggressive behavior, we found that events including shower/bath, dressing/undressing, and the actions to prevent residents from grabbing other people's belongings are the common causes. These commonly physical aggressiveness encompassed grabbing, hitting, punching, and the most common injuries for healthcare providers were mainly located at upper limb, followed by chest/abdomen and head/face. Healthcare providers found it distressful to handle the events such as shower/bath, dressing/undressing, and the situations without early warming. The level of conscious knowledge and the frequency of physical aggressiveness can effectively predict the degree of distress for the healthcare providers in handling physical aggressiveness. This research provides an important basis in developing a violence prevention program, by which to improve healthcare providers' ability in handling the physical aggressiveness of persons with dementia in clinical aggressive behaviors.
起訖頁 53-70
關鍵詞 身體攻擊行為失智症照護physical aggressive behaviordementiacare
刊名 長期照護雜誌  
期數 201605 (20:1期)
出版單位 社團法人台灣長期照護專業協會
該期刊-上一篇 老年非癌症慢性疼痛患者之藥控制
該期刊-下一篇 提升居家護理個案壓瘡傷口癒合率




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