中文摘要 |
本文評論Dr. R. Paul Battaglio Jr.所著之《公共人力資源管理:21世紀的策略與實務》(Public Human Resource Management: Strategies and Practice in the 21th Century, 2015)一書。本書出版於2015年,為美國目前最新的公部門人力資源管理專書。作者提出了美國政府人力資源管理的五大框架,並且依此框架描述人力資源管理的各項業務的轉變。雖然這個框架嚴格來說並非作者原創,而是承襲新公共管理關於行政改革的一脈思想,但應用於人力資源管理的專書仍然頗具新意。此外,這個框架也刺激讀者思考市場機制應用於政府人力資源管理方面的問題,以及公共服務動機如何影響政府人力資源管理;而學界和實務界是否已經準備好、該如何準備好面對這樣的變革,也同樣值得深思。
This article reviewed the book "Public Human Resource Management: Strategies and Practice in the 21th Century," written by Dr. R. Paul Battaglio Jr. This book was published in 2015 and was the latest book in the field of public personnel management. The author proposed a reform framework to describe the recent and the future reform of the public personnel management in the United States. The framework was inspiring for readers to think about how PHRM can be driven by market rather than by laws, how PHRM be related with public service motivation, what values are crucial for PHRM, and whether practitioners and academia are ready for the reform. |
英文摘要 |
This article reviewed the book "Public Human Resource Management: Strategies and Practice in the 21th Century," written by Dr. R. Paul Battaglio Jr. This book was published in 2015 and was the latest book in the field of public personnel management. The author proposed a reform framework to describe the recent and the future reform of the public personnel management in the United States. The framework was inspiring for readers to think about how PHRM can be driven by market rather than by laws, how PHRM be related with public service motivation, what values are crucial for PHRM, and whether practitioners and academia are ready for the reform. |