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Exploration of the Relationship between the Service Delivery Quality of Community Care Stations and Successful Aging: the Moderation of Cognition on Government Role
作者 王光旭 (Guang-Xu Wang)
社區照顧關懷據點為實踐在地養老的具體政策之一,但據點服務的效果究竟為何,是否有助於高齡者的成功老化,卻甚少進行系統性檢證。本研究依據文獻設計據點軟硬體服務品質觀感與成功老化提升程度問卷,以2010 年臺南市政府辦理社區據點服務績效考核50 個據點中的服務使用者作為研究母體,先從據點的考核結果分層抽樣出23 個據點,並在此樣本範圍透過面訪針對高齡服務使用者進行調查,共計回收416 份成功問卷。希望從服務使用者主觀認知,瞭解社區據點服務品質與服務使用者成功老化提升程度的關係,並以服務使用者對據點政策中政府扮演角色認知為調節變數。本研究成果簡述如下:一、服務使用者對據點服務人員服務技巧與態度的滿意度,高於對硬體環境條件的滿意度;二、對軟硬體服務品質的觀感與成功老化提升程度間有統計上正面的顯著效果,表示據點服務輸送的品質愈好,確實有利於社區高齡者的成功老化的提升程度;三、政府角色認知所傳遞的政府信任感確實會對服務品質觀感與成功老化提升程度的關係造成正向的調節效果。本文的建議是應改善據點硬體服務品質,強化社區據點為官方主導政策的印象行銷,並普及據點的設置,則能有利於高齡者的成功老化。
In order to increase the probability of elders’ successful aging, the government has taken actions to introduce a new policy of community social welfare since 2005. The community care station policy is the most important such practice in Taiwan. This paper attempts to explore the relationship between the service delivery quality of community care stations in Tainan city and successful aging of the service users. Moreover, the moderating role of the service users’ policy cognition of the community care station policy is discussed as well. The finding indicates that (1) the satisfaction mark for the factor "service delivers’ skills and service awareness" is higher than the one for environment and facilities of community care stations; (2) the quality of hardware and software services of community care stations is statistically significant for users’ successful aging by controlling demographic variables and social interactive variables; (3) the moderation of government role between perceived service provision quality and users’ successful aging is verified. The practical and theoretical implications of the study findings are discussed.
起訖頁 77-115
關鍵詞 成功老化社區照顧關懷據點服務品質政府角色認知在地老化successful agingcommunity care stationservice qualitycognition on government roleaging in place
刊名 公共行政學報  
期數 201603 (50期)
出版單位 國立政治大學公共行政暨政策學系
該期刊-上一篇 縣市低碳發展效率評估與其影響成因之探討




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