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Beyond the Ivory Tower: A Study of Germany’s Dual System of Higher Education
作者 張源泉 (Yuan-Chuan Chang)
In this paper, document analysis was used to investigate the Germany’s dual system of higher education. Notable examples include the models of Baden-Württemberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen and Bayer. Students in this system of education can satisfy the demands of industry; the job prospects of graduates has been enhanced where 85 percent of those who graduate from Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University found work in their field prior to graduation. For a long time, there has been a distance between higher education and the realities of the wider society; however, due to recent developments in modern times, academia is becoming more relevant and connected to the society as a whole. As a result, a close relationship has been developed between university education and vocational education. This relationship is based not only on the needs of the society, but also on changes in epistemology, the rise of the competition state, and the difficulties arising from the gap between what students learn at universities and the actual needs of the industry. Germany’s dual system of higher education is seen as a paragon. By contrast, in Taiwan there remains a large gap between what students learn at universities and the actual needs of the industry, resulting in an imbalance of supply and demand in the labor market. Thus the educational authorities in Taiwan may consider the applicability of adopting the German system of dual education.
起訖頁 169-210
關鍵詞 德國高等教育德國教育德國雙元制高等教育German EducationGerman Higher EducationGermany’s Dual System of Higher Education
刊名 教育實踐與研究  
期數 201706 (30:1期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 論大學與永續性理想相容的爭議、機會與方向
該期刊-下一篇 運動教練知識的探索—對「經驗知識」結構的揭露




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