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The correlation study between smartphone addiction and personality traits in senior high school students
作者 羅芝芸謝寶梅
本研究之目的在於調查高中職學生手機成癮之現狀與進行差異分析,同時了 解人格特質與手機成癮之相關性,並評估人格特質對手機成癮之預測力。研究樣 本採分層叢集抽樣法,隨機抽取台北市、台中市及高雄市之高中職12 所學校,共 計有效樣本為1,222 人,以「手機使用習慣調查表」及「人格特質調查表」進行問 卷調查。共獲致以下結論:一、調查對象中高達 64.3%為中重度手機成癮者,其 中手機成癮的問題中最嚴重的為健康與人際問題,而最不嚴重的則是時間管理問 題。二、手機成癮的程度在性別間無顯著差異;高二學生手機成癮問題僅有時間 管理問題及健康與人際問題顯著高於高一學生;學業成績越低者,手機成癮程度 愈嚴重。三、人格特質與手機成癮呈現負相關,顯示人格特質愈穩定者,其手機 成癮的情形愈不嚴重。四、情緒穩定性與嚴謹性對手機成癮具有負向預測力,而 開放性及外向性對手機成癮則具有正向預測力,亦即情緒穩定性與嚴謹性愈低以 及開放性與外向性愈高的學生,其手機成癮程度愈高。依本研究結果,提出三項 建議以供教師、輔導人員及行政機關參考。
The aim of the present study is to investigate the current situation of smartphone addiction of high school students, and to analysis the differences, correlations, and predictable effects by personality traits. A total sample of 1,222 senior school students emolled from Taipei City, Taichung City and Kaohsiung City through the use of a questionnaire survey method with stratified cluster sampling. Both "Mobile Use Survey" and "Personality Trait Survey" were the research instruments in this study. Based on the results, we conclude as follows, (i) Up to 64.3% students were suffered from severe and moderate smartphone addiction. The healthy and interpersonal problems were the most serious problem of smartphone addiction, whereas the time management was regarded as the least serious. (ii) No significant gender differences were found in the degree of smartphone addiction. Moreover, the serious of smartphone addiction was consistently associated with lower academic achievement, and the time management and healthy and interpersonal problems were significantly more prevalent in the tenth-grade students compared to the eleventh-grade ones. (iii) Personality traits were negatively associated with the severity of smartphone addiction. This suggest that stable personality traits lead to a lower-order smartphone addiction. (iv) Emotional stability and conscientiousness displayed negative effect on smartphone addiction, while openness and extroversion demonstrated positive predictive power for smartphone addiction. This indicates smartphone addiction is strongly associated with low emotional stability and conscientiousness and high openness and extroversion in selected students. Based on these findings, our study provides three suggestions for teachers, counselors and administrative agencies.
起訖頁 208-228
關鍵詞 人格特質手機成癮高中職學生Personality traitsSmartphone addictionSenior high school students
刊名 臺灣教育評論月刊  
期數 201706 (6:6期)
出版單位 臺灣教育評論學會
該期刊-上一篇 淺談校園中的性別平等教育




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