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Power Relations of Gendered Violence in Transnationsal Marriage
作者 謝臥龍劉惠嬰劉惠嬰
民國87 年6 月24 日「家庭暴力防治法」經立法院三讀通過並正式實施,臺灣成 為亞洲第一個施行家暴法的國家。在家暴法施行之後,家暴案件正以急遽而驚人的速 度浮現出來;根據內政部警政署網站的資料顯示,在2014 年全國各地接獲家暴受理 件數高達48,119 件,而申請保護令也有13,450 件,如若再加上官方統計資料未列上 去的黑數,當今社會上實際發生的家暴案件真令人咋舌,更為社會的隱憂,越來越多 的實務工作者和研究者也深深地體會與關注到家暴議題的嚴重性。然而回顧臺灣婚暴 相關的研究,幾乎都是以本國婦女為研究對象,完完全全忽視跨國婚姻中,來自東南 亞新移民女性的困境與受暴的遭遇。因此本研究以受暴的東南亞新移民女性為研究對 象,進行深度訪談,深入探討受暴新移民女性婚姻本質,藉此瞭解跨國婚姻受暴新移 民女性的處境,以為未來新移民受暴女性自我調適,社會資源運用,甚至可為受暴新 移民女性處境之參考。
Taiwan was the first Asian country to implement a Domestic Violence Prevention Act (DVPA), which passed in 1999 after its third reading in the Legislative Yuan. Incidents of domestic violence were subsequently reported at a shocking rate. According to the online statistics of the National Police Agency under the Ministry of the Interior, the number of domestic violence incidents reported across Taiwan was 48,119 in 2014, with 13,450 people applying for a protection order. Unreported incidents are currently thought to account for a considerable proportion of actual domestic violence incidents and to create underlying societal concerns. Moreover, an increasing number of social workers and researchers have identified and focused on the seriousness of domestic violence. However, research related to domestic violence in Taiwan has primarily investigated its effect on Taiwanese women and overlooked the situations of new immigrant women from Southeast Asia suffering from domestic violence within their transnational marriage. In the present study, in-depth interviews were conducted with new immigrant women from Southeast Asia who had suffered domestic violence to determine their marital conditions and understand their situation. This study can serve as a reference to assist new immigrant women suffering from domestic violence to develop adaptive skills in their transnational marriage and seek related social resources.
起訖頁 001-020
關鍵詞 跨國婚姻親密暴力權力關係Transnational marriagePower relationsGendered violence
刊名 高雄師大學報:教育與社會科學類  
期數 201706 (42期)
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學
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