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An Analysis of Family Mediation Service Users' Experience: Take the Family Mediation Service of Child Welfare League Foundation as an Example
作者 李惠娟邱雅芳
因父母離婚造成家庭重組,必須重新適應新的生活,如何妥善照顧未成年子女,成為重要議題。兒盟自2003 年開始提供社區家事商談服務,倡議好聚好散共擔親職的觀念,以治療派家事商談模式進行服務。本研究訪談五位接受過服務的離婚父母,從使用者經驗勾勒家事商談的服務樣貌,包括:其商談過程中遭遇的困境與改變,以及對商談的看法與建議。結果發現家事商談社工的角色主要在於協助離婚父母理性溝通子女後續照顧,並緩和雙方衝突,也提供充足專業資訊,且隨時提醒父母親職義務,期保障未成年子女之權益。最後,未來服務可思考如何降低商談門檻,並建議國內應發展社區家事商談服務,培育商談服務人力,調整離婚制度,以保障離婚子女的權益。
Five divorced parents were interviewed in the research. Based on their experiences of using family mediation service, the research outlines the nature of family mediation, including the changes and difficulties they have encountered during the process, as well as their thoughts and suggestions to family mediation service. The results indicated that the mediator has helped divorced parents to calmly discuss their parenting plan; facilitated to retain the parent-child relationship after divorce; mitigated the conflicts from both sides; provided adequate professional information and further protected minor children's rights and interests. Finally, it is recommended that the following considerations can be taken in the near future, such as lower the threshold of offering mediation service; finding suitable timing to provide mediation service and assisting the facilitation of mediation agreement. It was also suggested that the local authority should advocate the policies of developing mediation service within the community; proposing further recruitment in family mediation service; carrying out pre-marriage education and supplying parenting education for divorced parents.
起訖頁 81-110
關鍵詞 離婚家事商談監護探視未成年子女照顧計畫DivorceFamily MediationCustodyVisitationParenting Plan
刊名 臺灣社會工作學刊  
期數 201501 (15期)
出版單位 臺灣社會工作專業人員協會
該期刊-上一篇 親密關係中的受暴經驗--以未成年階段懷孕女性為例
該期刊-下一篇 醫務社工的經濟補助服務之發展與變遷:以某醫學中心為例




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