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The Cultural Connotations of the Ocean in the Maritime Poetry of Wen Tianxiang
作者 顏智英
文天祥( 1236-1282),自 40 歲起,便一路從海道輾轉鯨波、數瀕死境,欲南歸海上行朝以圖中興南宋,卻不幸於五坡嶺為元軍所俘,被迫目睹南宋亡於崖海之上。因此,海洋對他而言,具有深刻的意義,其詩筆下的海洋,亦具有豐富的文化意涵。本文即探討他一百四十多首與海相關的海洋詩歌所呈現的文化意涵。先析論他對傳統視海洋為「阻隔的空間」、「奇美的勝地」、「超越現實的理想世界」等意象書寫的繼承與開拓情形,再探究他憑藉親身泛海的經驗與強烈報國的意識,將傳統視海洋為「重生的搖籃」之意象具體化為「南歸的希望」、將「毀滅的場域」聚焦化為「殺戮的戰場」之深刻內涵;在他具體而形象的書寫藝術中,我們透視了文天祥個性化(報國丹心)、大格局(由私憤提昇至忠憤)的情意書寫特徵
In his forties, Wen Tianxiang 文天祥 (1236-1282) faced death at sea numerous times while attempting to help the imperial court in exile re-establish the Southern Song dynasty. Unfortunately, he was eventually captured by Yuan soldiers and forced to witness the dynasty’s final demise on the cliffs above the sea. Thus, the ocean for him possesses a profound significance and is rich in cultural meaning in his poetry. This article explores the cultural connotations of his more than 140 maritime poems. Firstly, we analyze the inheritance and development of traditional views of the ocean as embodied in literary images as an isolating space, a place of wonderful mystical beauty, and an ideal world that transcends reality. Secondly, we explore how Wen Tianxiang’s personal experiences at sea and fierce dedication to serving his country led him to transform the traditional image of the ocean as a cradle of rebirth into a concrete hope for the restoration of the Southern Song dynasty, and to refocus the image of the seas as a field of destruction, imbuing it with the profound connotations of a killing field. In Wen Tianxiang’s concrete yet figurative written art, we perceive his affection on both a personal level (as a dedicated loyal servant of his country) and in the big picture (in elevating personal spite to loyal indignation).
起訖頁 285-318
關鍵詞 文天祥宋詩海洋詩歌文化意象Wen TianxiangSong poetrymaritime poetrycultureimagery
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201609 (34:3期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 漢代中尚方諸問題研究
該期刊-下一篇 閩南頭家的命名學——「官」與「舍」的意義、用法、詞源




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