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The Acceptance of Taipei Citizen Telehealth Care Service Model on Hypertension
作者 陳美如 (Mei-Ju Chen)陳冠宇江碩儒李俊秀余文瑞何清幼
【目的】 臺北市政府「 市民健康生活照護服務」, 發展創新之科技化照護服務, 提供民眾健康評估、生理量測線上傳送監測、 健康諮詢、 主動的健康關懷、 衛教指導、 醫療協助、 社福轉介等, 欲建立社區民眾完整的健康管理服務模型。 本研究之目的在了解台北市居家型、 社區型和機構型三類高血壓個案對於臺北市政府「 市民健康生活照護服務」 之接受度探討, 了解其對使用此服務系統接受度之重要因素,作為日後服務模型修正與系統發展改善之參考。【方法】 本研究為橫斷式調查研究, 採立意取樣與電話問卷調查方法, 選取自 99 年開始使用參與台北市遠距健康照護計畫之居家型個案 100 位、 社區型個案 200 位和機構型負責人 100 位, 並於 99 年 5 月1 日至 30 日期間以受訓後之專業客服人員執行電話調查。 依科技接受模式為基礎進行問卷設計, 內容包含三構面: 認知易用性、 認知有用性與遠距健康照護服務接受度, 進行分析。【結果】 社區型與居家型組內對於三個構面有九成以上滿意度。 機構型組內在自覺易用性方面, 對於在設備操作便利性與量測設備整體滿意度方面滿意度大約八成, 而儀器故障次數方面滿意度, 僅達七成左右。 自覺有用性方面, 對於覺得能改善自我生活習慣方面、 可增加生活照護的知識能力、 減少擔憂身體健康狀況與可增加與醫師或其他醫療人員的互動方面, 機構型組內大約八成五左右滿意度。【建議】 後續在系統的建置與服務模型的發展上, 思考趨向於個人化與需求性評估的建構, 建置決策支援系統給予照護者與使用者更進一步的適切的協助, 達到健康照護「 在地化」 及「 社區化」 的目標。
Purpose: Taipei Citizen Telehealth Care Service Model was the community–base innovative technology care service established for providing health education, physiological measurements monitoring, medical education and assistance, and social welfare referral. This study aims to understand the acceptance and the associated factors among the various service type (home, community and institute) in Taipei Citizen Telehealth Care Service Model. Based on the result, the services model should meet the needs of the citizens in the future. Methods: This study was a cross-section telephone survey, the purposive sampling was used. The participants who used the service over three times were selected since 2010. The 100 home-based type participates, 200 community-based participates, and 100 institution-based type participates were asked by trained telephone service staffs in 2010 May. The questionnaires were based on the technology acceptance model. There were three facets: perceived usefulness, perceived easiness, and service satisfactions. Results: There were 90% satisfactions on the perceived usefulness, perceived easiness, and service satisfactions facets among the community-based and home-based type participants. However, in the convenience of the equipment operation, the whole devices service satisfaction and the equipment dysfunction constructs, the institution-based type users had about 80% and 70% satisfactions, respectively. As for the perceived usefulness, in the constructs of perceiving to improve the life style habits, to improve the ability of healthcare knowledge, to less the worries about the physical conditions and increasing interaction between the users and physician or/ other medical personnel, the institution-based type users had about 85% satisfactions. Conclusion: The telehealth care service impacts on the patient—provider relationship and the design for special users are needed to be further explored. Establishing a decision support system for caregivers and users to provide further assistances to achieve local-based, community-based health care should be considered.
起訖頁 1-13
關鍵詞 遠距健康照護居家血壓量測客服人員衛教TelehealthHypertension self monitorTelephone health education
刊名 醫療資訊雜誌  
期數 201106 (20:2期)
出版單位 臺灣醫學資訊學會
該期刊-下一篇 行動護理的另一種選擇——改良式 e 化行動護理工車




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