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A Study of behavioral intention on waste reduction for 5th and 6th grade students in a elementary school in Taipei City
作者 曾治乾謝素珍葉國樑林建輝黃禎貞
本研究旨在探討國小學童垃圾減量行為意圖與各相關變項之關係,主要運用Ajzen 和 Fishbein ( 1980)的理性行動論( Theory of Reasoned Action)和 Bandura( 1977)的自我效能( Self-efficacy)來驗證國小學童垃圾減量行為意圖與相關變項之關係。研究母群體為台北市立東門國小九十八學年度第一學期高年級全體學童,採分層集束抽樣,並以班級為抽樣單位,取得有效樣本共 318 份。研究工具包括開放式引導問卷及結構式問卷。分析所得重要結果如下:一、絕大多數的國小學童有從事垃圾減量的意圖。二、八成以上的國小學童對垃圾減量持肯定態度;他們認為父母、師長、同學及環保團體支持其從事垃圾減量,而他們也願意依從其意見;至於沒時間和太累時,則是學童最不想從事垃圾減量的障礙因素,顯示學童會因時間控管不善而影響其從事垃圾減量的意願。三、態度與行為信念、結果評價的交乘積和為顯著正相關;主觀規範與規範信念、依從動機的交乘積和為顯著正相關。四、態度、主觀規範、自我效能對垃圾減量意圖的整體解釋力為 31%,其中態度影響力最大,自我效能次之,主觀規範最小。五、本研究支持理性行動論結合自我效能,更能適切預測垃圾減量意圖。
The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship of elementary students’ behavioral intentions on waste reduction and its related factors. Two behavior science models, theory of reasoned action by Ajzen and Fishbein (1980), and self-efficacy by Bandura (1977), were applied in this study to interpretate the results from the questionnaire survey. The samples were selected by stratified cluster sampling from fifth and sixth grade students in an elementary school in Taipei city during the first academic semester in 2009. The total number of subjects participated in the study were 318. Both open-ended elicitation questionnaire and structured questionnaire were used in the survey. The followings are the results of this study: 1. Most of the students in this elementary school showed willingness to engage in waste reduction. 2. More than eighty percent of the students hold positive attitudes on waste reduction. They believe their parents, teachers, peers and the environmental protection groups supported them to engage in waste reduction. ’’I have no time’’ and ’’I am too tired’’ were the two biggest factors that hinder students from waste reduction behavior. It also showed that these elementary school students were not good time managers. 3. Attitudes have significant positive correlations with the product of behavioral beliefs and outcome evaluations. There are also significant positive correlations between subjective norms and the product of normative beliefs and motivation to comply. 4. Elementary students’ intentions to engage in waste reduction can be remarkably predicted by three factors: their attitude on waste reduction, their subjective norms and self-efficacy. The explanatory power is 31% toward waste reduction intentions. Attitude is the most influential factor, followed by self-efficacy and subjective norms. 5. There are three external variables including knowledge of waste reduction, grade and self recycling frequency can significantly predict the intentions of waste reduction. 6. The results support the hypothesis that a combination of Theory of Reasoned Action and Self-efficacy can successfully predict the behavioral intentions on waste reduction.
起訖頁 139-160
關鍵詞 垃圾減量行為意圖國小高年級學童自我效能理性行動論behavioral intentions, waste reductionelementary school’s studentsself-efficacytheory of reasoned action
刊名 健康促進暨衛生教育雜誌  
期數 201108 (31期)
出版單位 台灣健康促進暨衛生教育學會
該期刊-上一篇 台灣職場健康促進品質及其相關因素之前驅研究




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