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Examining the Relationships among Leader-positioning, Leadership Behavior and Subordinate's Satisfaction-Situational Perspective of Chinese Dyads
作者 嚴奇峰卓明德李粵強
The present study proposed that in different Chinese dyads of leader and follower, leadership behaviors were determined through leader's positioning to his/her follower situationally. In contrast with Hersey and Blanchard's (1977) concepts of subordinate's readiness levels and positive leadership styles in nature, this study emphasizes on situational dyadic-relation patterns of leader-subordinate as well as on both positive and negative leadership behaviors. The concept of leader-positioning referred to four leadership behaviors are derived from leaders' evaluation by two critical dimensions- professional ability posed by follower and trust in follower. Specifically, the leader-positioning process leads to corresponding leadership behaviors (e.g., delegation, mentoring, authoritarian, and precaution). And the relationships between four leadership styles and subordinate's satisfaction toward supervisor was examined. The data was collected from quasi-experimental design (N = 385) and paired-sample survey (N = 185), and ANOVA and multiple-regression were conducted for testing hypotheses. The results show that: 1. delegation behavior is determined when both follower's professional competence and personal trust in follower are high; 2. leader tends to behave in mentoring way because of the positive trust in follower; 3. negative trust in follower causes high level precaution behavior; 4. both delegation and mentoring behaviors have positive effects on subordinate's satisfaction toward supervisor while precaution behavior affects subordinate's satisfaction toward supervisor negatively. The current study goes on to discuss managerial implications based on the findings, and research limitations and directions for further research were suggested.
起訖頁 105-132
關鍵詞 華人對偶關係類型領導者(對部屬)定位領導行為對主管滿意度Chinese Dyadic-relation PatternsLeader-positioning (to His/Her Follower)Leadership BehaviorSatisfaction toward Supervisor
刊名 商略學報  
期數 201406 (6:2期)
出版單位 臺灣管理學會
該期刊-上一篇 盈餘管理目標及影響因素--臺灣銀行產業之實證
該期刊-下一篇 台灣股市違約風險效應之檢測




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