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Market Orientation, Innovation Capability, Marketing Capability and Business Performance
作者 廖述賢張文榮
Recent empirical studies have supported that market orientation and innovation capability are conducive to organizational competitiveness. However, prior studies have not focused on marketing capability in contrast to innovation capability and the causality between them. Management and marketing literature has focused on issues related to market orientation-business performance relationship; most of these studies are subject to simplified environmental effects upon an organization for lacking complete system architecture. Integration of theory and a model modification considering an organization's capabilities or contextual factors to reduce inference biases is necessary and complementary with life-long learning and recurrent education in Taiwan, university continuing education and corporate training have become two major channels providing appropriate courses to meet individual's learning needs. Accordingly, organizations have to pay more attention to integrate internal resources effectively, thereby differentiating customer value. This study proposes a research hypotheses and the LISREL model to investigate the sample based on 358 respondents from both universities/colleges, and services. The empirical findings of this study suggest that the stronger capabilities of marketing and innovation have an association with the level of market orientation; marketing capabilities may inspire innovation capabilities; and external marketing capabilities will outpace innovation capabilities to dominate business performance.
起訖頁 87-107
關鍵詞 市場導向行銷能力創新能力經營績效大學Market OrientationMarketing CapabilityInnovation CapabilityBusiness PerformanceUniversity
刊名 商略學報  
期數 201006 (2:2期)
出版單位 臺灣管理學會
該期刊-上一篇 利用科技建構服務業創新與價值群組之研究
該期刊-下一篇 個人社交能力與團隊情境對知識流動之影響




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