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Historical Texts Vs Archeological Facts: A Study of Celestial Images in Tomb Murals of the Tang Period
作者 莊蕙芷
In comparison with literatures, archaeological discoveries always show some differences. Not only for ritual system and funeral custom, but also for archaeological materials which seem embodied scientific significance according to ancient texts. As literature shows, astronomers of the Tang period have already been able to make a detailed star map, and these images could only appear in tomb mural paintings of the high status. However, already many abstract star maps with scarcely any scientific value have been unearthed from Tang tombs. What is the relationship between these pictures and the scientific astronomical images ? Could tomb mural themes reflect hierarchy of the grave owner? How do we explain the differences between ancient texts and archaeological remains? In order to explore the interaction among images, literatures and astronomy, this study will focus on the celestial images in Tomb Mural Paintings of the Tang period.
起訖頁 1-45
關鍵詞 唐代壁畫墓墓室天象圖中國古代天象圖Tang Dynasty mural tombscelestial images in mural tombs
刊名 南藝學報  
期數 201612 (13期)
出版單位 國立臺南藝術大學
該期刊-下一篇 李斯特的先知運動──從後期樂派中尋找共鳴




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