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A Study on the Treasure of Minnan Culture: the Current Taiwanese Bun-De-Gua-A
作者 游素凰
「本地歌子」為歌子戲發展的活水泉源。因為它是以宜蘭為主要活動地區,逐漸傳播至其他縣市而冠以「本地」二字,以表示演出內容與風格具宜蘭地域特色。宜蘭人稱之為「本地歌子」或「老歌子戲」;學者則稱作「老歌子戲」。本地歌子發源於臺灣東北角的蘭陽平原,從最原始的唱唸歌子到歌子陣,又逐漸發展為踏謠歌舞之醜扮落地掃小戲形式的, 再漸發展成為過渡至歌子戲大戲樣貌的「本地歌子」。它在宜蘭地區曾盛行一時,甚至出現過數十個子弟班與戲班,但隨著社會形態轉變,傳統戲曲日漸式微,戲班解散,本地歌子老藝人均已逐一凋零。因此,本地歌子的保存與傳承,實為當務之急,並且更顯重要。臺灣是歌子戲發源、成長的地方,歌子戲也是臺灣唯一土生土長的戲曲劇種,而「本地歌子」是歌子戲發展最早的胚胎,可謂臺灣傳統戲曲彌足珍貴之活文化資產;它不僅具有文化藝術之象徵意義,亦為歌子戲工作者、學者專家應注視之重點。臺灣與大陸閩南地區發展之「薌劇」,屬同根同源,兩岸歌子戲未來如何繼續成長發展,甚受戲曲學術園地耕耘者所關注。近年來,諸多實驗性的新編歌子戲陸續一一推出,面對講究精緻、注重整體包裝的今日新編戲曲,以及政府部門資源分配不足之境況,「本地歌子」生存空間更是受到嚴峻挑戰,即將消失於歷史洪流中!因此,其維護與保存,應是首要之務。1980 年代,尚有老藝師陳旺欉、葉讚生、謝烏定、林爐香、林趖、林木枝、和阿通、陳松等前場老藝師,及吳阿城、簡壬癸、林永德、楊旺清、簡金發、張坤木、林庚申、邱萬來、葉木塗、葉松輝等後場器樂藝師。然,二十一世紀初期,僅存八十餘高齡的陳旺欉、林爐香先生傳承之「壯三新涼樂團」獨撐「本地歌子」傳藝大業。此後,隨著2006 年陳、林兩位老先生相繼過世,本(2015)年初,陳旺欉先生之子陳茂益團長因病去世,藝生們如同斷梗流萍,「本地歌子」之薪傳堪憂!基於文化搶救使命感,對於已故「本地歌子」老藝師們,雖有深刻的感動與追思情懷,但是對於「本地歌子」文化藝術之薪傳,忍不住要高聲疾呼:「誰來關心啊?」。期藉此文,呼籲海峽兩岸文化藝術工作者共商對策,共同來維護與傳承此一閩南文化瑰寶──「本地歌子」。
Bun-De-Gua-A (本地歌子) is the wellspring of Gua-A-Hi (歌子戲) developing. It is actively around Yi-Lan and gradually known to other counties. It is called bun-de(means local) to show what is inside and specialty of Yi-Lan culture. Yi-Lan people called it Bun-De-Gua-A or Lau-Gua-A-Hi (老歌子戲) while scholars called it Lau-Gua-A-Hi. Bun-De-Gua-A originated from Lanyang area. From the most primitive Chung-Liam-Gua-A (唱唸歌子) and to the later Gua-A-Din (歌子陣), and it was then slowly becoming the form of Ugly play for Tap dance ballad, called Log-De-Sao(落地掃). Finally, it passed into to the Bun-De-Gua-A, a transitional form of Gua-A-Hi. It was prevalent that time, and even several couples of classes and troupes with kids playing in them were appeared. However, it faded away like the traditional opera, as time goes, ether troupes disbanded or old artists passed away. Thus, to preserve and to keep the heritage of Bun-De-Gua-A is urgent and obviously important. Gua-A-Hi is originated from Taiwan, and is the only native opera here. It is the earliest opera of Gua-A-Hi, so it is seen as traditional Taiwanese opera precious treasure and living asset. It is not only significance in cultures and arts, but also those Gua-A-Hi players and scholars are recommended to pay great attentions to it. The Xiang Opera(薌劇) from southern Fukien and from Taiwan can be considered to have the same radicals. Therefore, how Taiwan and China to grow and develop Gua-A-Hi in the future is of interest to those scholars. In recent years, many new tested Gua-A-Hi released one after another. Nowadays, new drama that focus on the fine and overall package, and inadequate allocation of resources of government departments, how Bun-De-Gua-A survive is in severe challenges and will even soon disappear in the tide of history! Thus, the maintenance and preservation of it should be the top priority. 1980s of the last century, there are old craftsman Chen Wang-Cong(陳旺欉), Ye Zan-Sheng(葉讚生), Xie Wu-Ding(謝烏定), Lin lu-xiang(林爐香), Lin Suo(林趖), Lin Mu-zhe(林木枝) , and Ah Tong(阿通), Chen Song(陳松) and other frontcourt old craftsman. Also, Wu A-Cheng(吳阿城), Jian Jen-kuei(簡壬癸), Lin Yong-de(林永德), Yang Wang-qing(楊旺清), Jian jin-fa(簡金發), Chang Kung-Mu(張坤木), Qiu Wan-Lai(邱萬來), Ye Mu-tu(葉木塗), Ye Song-hui(葉松輝) and other backcourt instrumental music arts. However, The early twenty-first century, the only remaining eighty-old Mr. Chen Wang-cong, Mr. Lin lu-xiang(林爐香) heritage Zhuang- San Xin Liang-le Opera Troupe(壯三新涼樂團) has to support the Bun-De-Gua-A Communication Arts great cause. Since then, as in 2006, Mr. Chen and Mr.Lin passed away, and this year (2015) early, son of Mr. Chen Wang-cong Chen Mao-yi(陳茂益) passed away due to illness, their students who have been dismissing soon or later. The heritage of Bun-De-Gua-A does not seem have prospect at all. With strong sense of responsibility, with deeply touched and memorial feelings, for former and in the memory of Bun-De-Gua-A masters, and for the heritage Bun-De-Gua-A, I can not help but speak out loudly: "Who come to care it ?" Hope this article can call for it: artists from cross-strait sides can discuss countermeasures, work together to maintain the heritage of this Minnan Culture treasure: Bun-De-Gua-A.
起訖頁 57-76
關鍵詞 本地歌子老歌子戲醜扮落地掃小戲大戲薌劇壯三新涼樂團Bun-De-Gua-ALau-Gua-A-HiLog-De-SaoXiang OperaZhuang-San Xin Liang-le Opera Troupe
刊名 南藝學報  
期數 201512 (11期)
出版單位 國立臺南藝術大學
該期刊-上一篇 釋南管工乂譜字
該期刊-下一篇 雙溪匯流:郭芝苑其人其作的個體性與社會性




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