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The Use of Audiovisual Aesthetic in Wu Yin-ning's Reportage about Agricultural Issues in Taiwan
作者 高嘉勵
With its focus on Wu Yin-ning's Where Is Jiang-hu? - Observation of Taiwan's Agriculture , this essay examines how this reportage uses audiovisual aesthetic to depict structural problems of Taiwan's agriculture in the era of globalization. The first part emphasizes Wu Yin-ning's writing heritage and specialty, for instance, writing background, ideals of Leftist literature, and the creation of a new style combined with audiovisual effects. The second section discusses the use of visual techniques of shooting and cutting to create dialogue among different people, objects, and events. Such writing aesthetic conveys the essential feelings for the land in order to highlight the motif of "Food is life." The third part explores how writing imitates various voices and sounds to reproduce historical events. These audio techniques include testimony, narration, dubbing and sound effects. Debates among different perspectives together contribute to the declaration of the core idea, "Land is the root of agriculture." This idea reflects how ridiculous agricultural policies in Taiwan are made in accordance with ideology of globalization. The conclusion highlights the power of awakening and action in this work, which triggers readers' search for a possibility that would better suit the survival of both human and land.
起訖頁 147-176
關鍵詞 全球化報導文學臺灣農業影音美學吳音寧GlobalizationReportageTaiwan's agricultureAudiovisual aestheticWu Yin-ning
刊名 文化研究  
期數 201603 (22期)
出版單位 文化研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 中型城市發展與城鄉新連結
該期刊-下一篇 當代臺灣小說中的後現代美學與階級意識




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