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Parents Perspectives: An Evaluation of Case Management Interventions in Mentor Programs for Junior High School Students
作者 黃懷勳陳國嘉
This study aims to explore how junior high schools in Taiwan facilitate parent-school interaction through home visiting and advisement programs under massive changes in social and cultural environments in order to come up with an ideal program to improve parent-school relationships. Due to changes in family living environments and habits and the increase in stress from academic competition, students need stress relief activities. However, some such activities cause deviant behavior in students, and it is hard for parents and schools to pin point the exact cause. As a result, this study will evaluate the effectiveness of case management interventions in home visiting programs for junior high students from parents' viewpoints. This study obtains the following conclusions from literary review and case study analysis: teacher-parent relationship directly affects the effectiveness of parent visits. Home visiting and advisement program is very important in the parent-teacher relationship. The frequency of home visits affects the degree of parents' involvement. Parents value those services that accentuate the problems in their parenting methods or abilities. If official needs evaluation tools such as FRS can be used in the teacher's home visiting plan, they could fix the problem of inadequate evaluations. Research focusing on drafting home visiting plans can focus on the viewpoint of families since investigations regarding parents have significant contributions and effects towards the evaluation of home visiting programs.
起訖頁 79-96
關鍵詞 青少年家庭訪問個案管理干涉Young ChildrenHome VisitingCase Management Interventions
刊名 華人前瞻研究  
期數 201611 (12:2期)
出版單位 南洋文化學會
該期刊-上一篇 科技專案計畫整併對計畫執行績效之影響
該期刊-下一篇 自行車道品質對遊客重遊意願與滿意度之影響




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