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Carework in the Division of Labor of Gender and Professionalism: An Institutional Ethnography of Teachers' Assistants in Special Education in Taiwan
作者 黃綉雯張恒豪唐文慧
This paper discusses the carework of teachers' assistants in Taiwan's special education system. Adopting an institutional ethnographic perspective and starting from these assistants' experiences, we have analyzed their work knowledge and presented their working conditions and professional status as teachers' assistants in intimate contact with their handicapped students. Our study found that Taiwan's special education system has a unique position in the government of the institutions, one which is intertwined with a division of labor according to gender and professionalism. In the name of professionalism, with the special education law and regulations as guides and mediation in the division of labor between "mind" and "body" work, the teachers' assistants are assigned to care for the students' bodies and to do the "dirty work." Teachers' assistants thus compensate for the deficit of care to support students with disabilities; and they form the lower ranks in the stratified structure of the special education system in Taiwan.
起訖頁 1-58
關鍵詞 特教助理員照顧工作建制民族誌性別專業主義special education assistants in Taiwancareworkinstitutional ethnographygenderprofessionalism
刊名 女學學誌:婦女與性別研究  
期數 201612 (39期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學人口與性別研究中心婦女與性別研究組
該期刊-下一篇 照顧男子氣概與男性公務人員育嬰留職經驗




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