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Recipient-oriented Poem Anthologies and Literati Social Interaction in the Yuan Dynasty
作者 陳雯怡
The present article examines a new type of anthology, a collection of poems and / or essays one literatus received from his friends over his lifetime, that first appeared in the late Yuan (1206-1268). As anthology, it includes works from more than one author, but the organizing principle is not the author but the common recipient of the works. In contrast to the collected works of one single author, or the selected works of several authors, or the collection of "poem and response"(changhe 唱和) poems among a few authors, it represents a completely different idea of compilation. The present article first examines this new form of anthology in the context of anthologies from the Six Dynasties on, then explains its appearance in the special Yuan culture of the "poem scroll," and finally analyzes two extant anthologies of this new kind: Jinlan ji by Xu Dazuo (1333-1395) and Danyou ji by Shi Laifu (1319-1391). This article concludes that this new kind of anthology is a result of the development of literati social interaction in the Yuan, an ultimate expression of how literati formed their identity and image in "social writing."
起訖頁 47-104
關鍵詞 總集詩卷金蘭集澹游集元代士人交游文化anthologypoem scrollJinlan jiDanyou jiYuan literatisocial interaction
刊名 臺大歷史學報  
期數 201612 (58期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 司馬光《太玄集注》中的君子與小人
該期刊-下一篇 晚清的「生元思想」及其非啟蒙傾向--以康有為與譚嗣同為中心




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