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A Study on the Feasibility of Unilateral Application for Arbitration Regarding Labor Disputes of Rights
作者 周兆昱
After the Settlement of Labor Disputes law act since 2011, rights disputes could also be settled by the procedures of arbitration in accordance with the act. While the Settlement of Labor Disputes law expressly stipulated that in principle it need both two parties agree to enter the procedures of arbitration. But the party from the employer side seldom agreed with the arbitration that the use of the procedures of arbitration is still very rare. According to the estimation from Ministry of Labor, 20% of rights disputes are "after the mediation is not successfully concluded, neither jointly apply for a hand-over arbitration nor files a lawsuit because of some reasons that abandon remedies." 20% of rights disputes are considerable approximately 4400 cases. Through the administrative handling labor disputes in Taiwan ,the Settlement of Labor Disputes law discussion on Japan and Taiwan .And under the current settlement of Labor Disputes law put forward the scheme "any object, by fiction agree through the arbitration decision shall be final and binding". The new arbitration system request that if the other party doesn't agree to the arbitration, he or she need to sue the applicant after receiving the application for arbitration to avoid the procedures of arbitration. If he or she doesn't bring a lawsuit will be regarded as agreed the arbitration. Try to establish an arbitration system that can fundamentally solve labor disputes and has least negative impact to be helpful to reduce the labor disputes which is not solved.
起訖頁 159-193
關鍵詞 勞資爭議處理法權利事項勞資爭議勞資爭議仲裁一方當事人申請仲裁仲裁效力Settlement of Labor Disputes LawRights DisputesLabor-management Disputes ArbitrationUnilateral Application for ArbitrationEffectiveness of Arbitration
刊名 國立中正大學法學集刊  
期數 201701 (54期)
出版單位 國立中正大學法律學系
該期刊-上一篇 論我國企業併購法中規範之特別委員會制度




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