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Preliminary Discussion on the Development of EAW Transnational Cooperation beneath the Integration progress of the EU Lisbon Treaty
作者 康順興
To prevent criminals escaping from punishment bydi fferent judicial systems, European countries have activelypr omoted the mutual assistance、procedures of surrender, and Human-rights protection. On the basis of international trends and District reality, the EU prioritizes the promotion and deduction policy of Protection Rights、Integration of surrender procedures, which are often involved in Domestic authority-related procedures. However, the EU claimed Member States in accordance with each other in Criminal procedures and the relevant law, byr eplacing surrender system between judicial authorities. Owing to the International trend and cooperative relationship that EU adopted Framework Decision on the European Arrest Warrant to participate in Surrender procedures. EU played a significant role, those experiences guided and improved the ICC Surrender procedures, also invoked the globalization of the International Criminal Law. It is advisable that Taiwan should refer to those aforementioned trends, to modifyl aws、strengthen Surrender procedures and enhance the effectiveness. We could also construct the mechanism which involved Surrender Procedure and action leading principles, byP romoting Transnational cooperation、 Due Process and the Human-rights protection to solve the difficulties between cooperation with other countryand keep fighting with international crimes.
起訖頁 112-131
關鍵詞 歐盟逮捕令相互承認全球化跨國合作國際刑事法院EU Arrest WarrantMutual RecognitionGlobalizationTransnational CooperationInternational Criminal Court
刊名 軍法專刊  
期數 201704 (63:2期)
出版單位 軍法專刊社
該期刊-上一篇 保險契約中「自殺免責條款」及舉證責任分配之分析
該期刊-下一篇 檢察官偵查處分女性性侵害犯經驗之實證研究




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