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長期照護雜誌 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Impacts and Measures for Long-term Care System under Unstable Foreign Caregiver Source
作者 蘇裕國
從2014 年起,印尼政府就不斷對外放出將自2017 年起對全球停止輸出家事勞工的消息,這的確引起了臺灣等許多外籍勞工引進國的注意,特別是僱用外籍家庭看護工的雇主及失能者家庭,格外擔心印尼家事勞工一旦停止輸出,失能親人的照顧工作,將無人可以分擔。而目前在臺的外籍看護工約23 萬人,且居首的印尼籍家庭看護工人數約18 萬人,臺灣面對一個不穩定、又難由單方操控的外籍勞工來源,對於長期照護將帶來什麼影響,政府與民間又應該如何因應。
Since 2014, the Indonesia government has announced to stop sending Indonesian domestic works to global. It did catch attention of introducing conutries, especially the family has hired domestic worker and caregiver. The employer extremely concerns on that once the Indonesia government stops to send domestic workers or caregivers; it may cause no helper could expect to share caring of the older or disability relatives. For now, about 230,000 foreign caregivers work in Taiwan. The Indonesia caregiver working in family is about 180,000 which is the biggest group. Now Taiwan encounters an unstable and single-decision foreign caregiver source, what the impacts may come to the long-term care system in Taiwan, and what measures should be taken by the Taiwan government, long-term care service providers and families in order to react the future situation.
起訖頁 237-244
關鍵詞 長期照護外籍勞工停止輸出long-term care systemto stop sending domestic workers abroad
刊名 長期照護雜誌  
期數 201612 (20:3期)
出版單位 社團法人台灣長期照護專業協會
該期刊-上一篇 運用教會資源建構偏鄉在地老化的長期照護服務模式--以臺東聖母醫院為例
該期刊-下一篇 傳統儒家文化薰陶下的「失智症照護」--以健順體系中山日照間照顧中心為例




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