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台灣精神醫學雜誌 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

In Memoriam: Tsung-yi Lin, M.D. (1920-2010)
作者 陳永興鄭泰安
Professor Tsung-yi Lin’s died on July 20, 2010 at the age of 89 years. His memorial services were held on July 29, 2010, in Vancouver, Canada and on September 18, 2010 in Taipei, Taiwan. An obituary of Tsug-yi Lin was published on September 6, 2010 in New York Times. He is the father of psychiatry in Taiwan. His lasting infl uence on the practice of psychiatry is well-recognized. We will never forget what we have learned under his guidance. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family. We are deeply sadden to the loss of a great leader like him. He will be sorely missed. Prof. Lin was born in 1920. At the time, Taiwan was ruled by Japan. His father, Mo-Seng Lin, was the fi rst Taiwanese to earn a Ph. D. degree (in education) at Columbia University in the United States of America. He was infl uenced by his father in many ways, particularly in the teaching styles that integrated ideals and perspectives from both Western and Eastern cultures. Under his father’s infl uence, he developed a broad vision, and always bore in his mind of a poem written and read to him by his father when he was about to go study abroad. In English, the poem reads, “Where is the wonder land? It is in the deepest place of the mountain. But, we do not have to ask the fi sherman how to get there. Just walk along the riverside with fl owers, and you shall fi nd it.” This poem had encouraged him to embark on new challenges that led to his future success. In 1946, after World War II, he returned from Tokyo Imperial University, now University of Tokyo, at the age of 26 years and became the founding chairman of Department of Psychiatry at National Taiwan University Hospital.
起訖頁 255-256
刊名 台灣精神醫學雜誌  
期數 201012 (24:4期)
出版單位 台灣精神醫學會
該期刊-下一篇 細胞激素與精神疾患




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