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The Image of Taiwanese Domestic Violence: From the Perspective of 'A Web in the Patriarchal Clan System'
作者 戴世玫
社會工作實務上慣用美國所發展的「權力控制輪」圖像來解釋女 性遭受婚姻暴力的現象,缺乏臺灣女性受暴脈絡不同於西方國家的討論。本研究藉由引進日裔美國學者Mieko Yoshihama「父權家族系統受暴網」的觀點,作為看待女性遭受婚姻暴力現象的基礎。為利進行該觀點的修改與本土圖像的討論,本研究採質性研究取向,依循紮根理論的研究方法進行,以滾雪球方式,邀請大臺北地區的婚姻暴力女性被害人,以及婚姻暴力服務社工人員,共計24人,進行5次焦點 團體訪談。經由資料分析歸納發現:臺灣女性被害人遭受婚姻暴力的過程,已經不再是兩個人(被害人與加害人)之間的事,而是如同千變萬化的「暴力陣」,以眾人的暴力合理化為核心。據此,本研究建議:未來臺灣婚姻暴力防治工作應該更為重視「社區預防性服務工作的投入」、「醫療衛生服務的主動提供」、「鄰里參與的救援機制」、「相關專業人員的養成訓練」、「開創居住及職場就業的長期支持」等議題,來阻斷加害人施暴和其他環境面加害情境的連結,從而翻轉社會輿論為正面支持,削弱父權體制對於女性在家庭和職場的影響,強化娘家的支持系統,制止婆家忽視暴力的行為,以瓦解暴力合理化的核心,協助更多的女性被害人脫離婚姻暴力。
The Power and Control Wheel developed in the United States is often used in social work to explain the dynamics by which women are subjected to domestic violence. However, alternative (non-Western) discussions on Taiwanese domestic violence have been scant. This study adopted the concept of A Web in the Patriarchal Clan System, proposed by Japanese-American scholar Mieko Yoshihama, which took into consideration an Asian sociocultural context, as a foundation to study domestic violence against women. A qualitative approach was employed in conjunction with grounded theory to revise the perspective of A Web in the Patriarchal Clan System and discuss domestic violence in Taiwan. Snowball sampling was used to recruit female victims, as well as social workers who have directly or indirectly served the victims, in the Taipei Metro Area. A total of 24 participants were recruited to attend five focus groups. Data analysis results indicated that domestic violence against women in Taiwan is no longer a matter that is solely between the victim and the offender. Domestic violence is an ever-changing array of violence that is centered on the public's justifying of violence. According to the results of this study, the researcher provides recommendations pertaining to policy system and operational dimensions for formulating domestic violence prevention measures in Taiwan: (1) placing greater emphasis on the strategies of domestic violence prevention, such as investing in preventative service in communities; (2) ensuring accessibility to medical and health services; (3) offering community-involved rescue mechanisms; (4) training relevant professionals, and (5) developing long-term living and employment support for victims of domestic abuse. By enhancing these strategies, the connection between the offender's abusive actions and environmental factors can be severed, public opinion can be transformed into positive support, and the patriarchal influence on women in households and workplace can be mitigated. Furthermore, support provided by the women's families should be enhanced, and ignorance of violence of the husbands' families should be changed, in order to collapse the concept of 'justifying violence' and liberate female victims from domestic violence.
起訖頁 43-82
關鍵詞 婚姻暴力受暴婦女紮根理論父權家族系統domestic violencebattered womangrounded theorypatriarchyclan system
刊名 社會政策與社會工作學刊  
期數 201612 (20:2期)
出版單位 臺灣社會政策學會
該期刊-上一篇 風險管理下的社會工作督導
該期刊-下一篇 我國勞保老年年金世代年金權益探討:從世代會計觀點




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