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Experiences of Home-care Service Users
作者 王秀燕徐明心白叙民
This study aims at understanding the dynamics between the home care service delivery system and the experiences of its users. By doing so, the authors tried to propose a design suitable for delivery systems, which may enhance quality of service and increase citizens' participation. Fourteen service users participated in in-depth qualitative interviews of this research. The results are as follows: (1) There are labels to service users, needs assessment is too rigid. (2) Based on their status, power, and roles, the users can be divided into four categories: double disadvantaged, those with gratitude, those who actively participated, and those being excluded by mainstream welfare information. (3) For the design of the service delivery system, users were ignorant of the policy-making and service type. (4) They experienced weak system link among various service projects. (5) Users showed gratitude to the service personnel, and lack of power in the development of service. Regarding service quality, it is inadequate in terms of responsiveness, appropriateness, user participation, providing service information, and service integration. This study recommends: (1) clients may be called 'service users'; service evaluation may be changed to 'integrated assessment model'. According to the research findings, design policy promotions in accordance with characteristics of different types of service users. (2) For the service delivery system, policy implementation should be coordinated among different districts, grasp the needs, expand service, value the collaboration among different service units, select and train professional manpower, and establish mechanisms for citizen's participation. (3) The six service quality indicators should be included to measure the influences and resultant changes of the service on the service users.
起訖頁 163-205
關鍵詞 居家式照顧服務使用者服務輸送home careservice usersservice delivery
刊名 社會政策與社會工作學刊  
期數 201606 (20:1期)
出版單位 臺灣社會政策學會
該期刊-上一篇 遷徙與區域醫療資源對原住民健康不平等之影響
該期刊-下一篇 把家庭找回來:臺灣、香港家庭之政治經濟學分析




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