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The Difficulties of Kinship Care Placement and Its Debating Issues: Perspectives from Practitioners
作者 吳書昀蕭琮琦劉美芝
Kinship care placement is part of the substitutional services. Research supports that children who are placed in kinship families experience fewer changes in foster care settings and less feeling of abandoned. Children in kinship homes tend to have higher self and ethnic identities, and can adapt better. However, kinship care placement is not always practitioners' favorite option in Taiwan in terms of placing children. This study aims to understand related experience the practitioners have when they adopt kinship care placement, especially those challenges and debating issues they encounter. This study expects to propose concrete suggestions for implementing kinship care placement. For collecting data, focus groups, individual interviews and open-ended questionnaires are adopted in the study. There are three main findings regarding the difficulties and controversies in kinship care placement: First, the legal regulations and the practical situations are not on the same page. Second, the practitioners show different understandings of the definition of 'kin' and the financial supports for kinship carers. Third, different points of view are expressed by the practitioners on professional trainings for kinship carers. According to what study have found out, we suggest that kinship care placement should be supported by legal systems to protect the wellbeing of children as well as practitioners. We also suggest that there should be a very clear role of the state and the kinship carers in the substitutional services. Finally, the uniqueness of kinship care placement need to be promoted by professional trainings, so as to provide children a safe and familiar setting.
起訖頁 31-74
關鍵詞 親屬安置兒少家外安置替代性服務分析階層kinship care placementout of home caresubstitutional servicesanalytic hierarchy
刊名 社會政策與社會工作學刊  
期數 201512 (19:2期)
出版單位 臺灣社會政策學會
該期刊-上一篇 生命歷程、個體化及風險:社會政策的回應
該期刊-下一篇 超額醫療費用對家戶必要消費之衝擊:以飲食支出為例




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