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The Making of Malaya: On the Malayan Film Unit’s Cold War Films
作者 許維賢 (Wai-Siam Hee)
The Malayan Film Unit, a film organization affiliated with the postwar British colonial government, produced a large number of historical and geographical documentaries in support of the British colonial regime, and the Singaporean and Malayan autonomous governments. The film unit also directed the production and filming of many propaganda films and feature films accompanied by recordings and commentaries in different languages and Chinese dialects. These films vigorously promoted Cold War ideology to the Malayan people, and all theatres in Malaya were compelled to screen these films. The ultimate goal of the Malayan Film Unit was to interpellate a Malayan identity in order to eradicate the threat posed by communist ideology. This paper considers films made by the Malayan Film Unit alongside Cold War archival materials gathered from The British Film Institute, The National Archives of UK, Imperial War Museums, The British Library, National Archives of Singapore and National Film Department of Malaysia, and reportage on the Malayan Film Unit in the 1950s-60s in U.S., U.K, and local newspapers in Chinese and English. It will explore how Chinese New Village settlers and Malayan communists were represented in semi-realistic/semifictional moving images during the Cold War period.
起訖頁 61-98,102-103
關鍵詞 馬來亞製片組冷戰新村馬共反共華人認同Malayan Film UnitCold WarNew VillagesMalayan communists
刊名 藝術學研究  
期數 201612 (19期)
出版單位 國立中央大學藝術學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 砂上樓閣──1930年代臺灣獨立美術協會巡迴展與超現實繪畫之研究
該期刊-下一篇 事件之後的當代跨域影像:論陳界仁早期作品及《殘響世界》的概念生成與轉化




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