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An Investigation on the Images of Hakka Culture Tourism Destinations by Using Natural Language Processing
作者 陳怡廷陳麗如吳姿瑩
The emergence of blogs has enabled personal tourism experiences to be extensively propagated and shared on the Internet. Through the narration of tourism experiences, tourists’ express personal preferences and feelings toward local tourism developments and tourism destinations. By collecting and analyzing personal tourism experiences of a specific tourism destination, the corresponding tourism values and overall image developments can be observed from the perspectives of tourists, providing a crucial reference for the local tourism managers to make decisions based on tourists’ needs and attitudes. However, effectively analyzing abundant word-of-mouth information on the Internet within a limited time requires the use of text mining. This study adopts an online text mining system and, from the concept of natural language processing, proposes a processing procedure suitable for analyzing online word-of-mouth information. Using Hakka culture tourism destinations from northern, central, southern, and eastern Taiwan as examples, we explain how to use the semi-automated text processing technique for determining the perceptions and attitudes of tourists toward tourism destinations. This study provides an alternative method for analyzing tourism information and broadens the scope of applications in tourism studies.
起訖頁 81-111
關鍵詞 自然語言處理旅遊目的地意象文字探勘部落格客家Natural language processingTourism destination image
刊名 戶外遊憩研究  
期數 201606 (29:2期)
出版單位 中華民國戶外遊憩學會
該期刊-上一篇 體驗價值在鹿港老街真實性與場所依附因果關係之中介效果




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