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Augmented Reality: Current Status, Challenges and Prospects for the Integration of Production and Research
作者 王培霖梁奧齡羅柯高巍周志穎
With the advancement of science and technology, augmented reality technology has gradually become a new technology which has matured in the education industry and has great potential. The combination of augmented reality and education makes the abstraction of the book concrete and visualization. It breaks the limitations of traditional education patterns, and provides new ways and opportunities to the development of the education industry. But the popularity of consumer market and user acceptance are still not enough, there are still some problems exist in the user experience of their products. This paper aims at enhancing the historical development, current situation and future trend of Augmented Reality. It is hoped that we could reduce the cost of original paper books by using the Augment Reality publications. AR technology will be better applied to the field of education and help students learn and understand the traditional education materials and those various abstract concepts which are difficult to explain. We hope to achieve a most natural and effective way to let the children study happily, then bring it into campus and fully utilize the value of Augmented Reality technology.
起訖頁 016-023
關鍵詞 增强现实虚拟现实Augmented RealityMixed RealityVirtual Reality
刊名 中國電化教育  
期數 201703 (362期)
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 在职业教育应用视角下的VR/AR技术
該期刊-下一篇 增强现实教育游戏的开发与应用——以“泡泡星球”为例




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