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The Perspective of Twenty Years’ Changes of the National Education Technology Plan of America
作者 聶竹明楊一捷劉釗穎
National Education Technology Plan (NETP) has been implemented for 20 years in the United States, and it’s already had five versions. NETP has played a significant role in the development and reform of American education. From the theme, framework and content of three perspectives, this paper explored the differences and connections between the various versions of the NETP and rationalized history change trajectory of NETP by using the Analysis of Public Policy Texts such as file attribute measurement analysis, discourse analysis and content quantitative analysis. Research showed that the themes of the NETP are influenced by the president’s educational idea, the president of the Office of Education Technology and the changes of law and policy; the framework of the NETP shifted from “Problem solving in the technology era” to “the Action of National Education Programme”; and there are five aspects in the change of content: first, the design category shifted from “Technical Practice” to “Performance Improvement” under the perspective of learners; Second, the development category shifted from “Deepening the Understanding of Knowledge” to “Provide a Real Learning Experience” under the technical support; Third, the utilization category shifted from “Multimedia Teaching” to “Blended Learning with Technology-Savvy” under the restriction of law and policy; Fourth, the management category shifted from “Education Productivity” to “Educational Leadership Innovation” under the top-level design framework; Fifth, the evaluation category shifted from the “Summary Evaluation of Paper” to “Digital Process Evaluation” under the promotion of the technology and standards.
起訖頁 132-139
關鍵詞 国家教育技术计划政策文本分析National Education Technology PlanEducation TechnologyAnalysis of Public Policy Texts
刊名 中國電化教育  
期數 201702 (361期)
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 高校非通用语数字教育资源建设研究
該期刊-下一篇 发挥信息技术支撑引领作用 服务教育现代化发展大局——学习领会《教育信息化“十三五”规划》




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