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A Study on the Strategies of Cultivating Primary and Middle School Students’ Learning Power in the Context of STEM Education
作者 蔣志輝趙呈領周鳳伶梁雲真黃琰
Learning power is one of the most important abilities of primary and middle school students in information age, and it plays a significant role in the students’ growth and development. STEM education is committed to interdisciplinary knowledge to develop students’ scientific inquiry and problem solving ability. The goal of STEM education is consistent with the students’ learning ability, which is characterized by its core characteristics, curriculum design, learning process, design principles, educational applications to enhance students’ learning motivation, learning ability, learning reciprocity, learning creativity and so on. The research builds up the learning power training strategy model based on STEM education. The model takes STEM curriculum as the core, the extracurricular activities as the extension, and the teacher quality as the guarantee. Finally, the paper discusses the design principles and process of courses based on STEM education to enhance learning power, and gives the concrete examples.
起訖頁 025-032
關鍵詞 STEM教育培养策略STEM EducationLearning PowerTraining Strategy
刊名 中國電化教育  
期數 201702 (361期)
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 新媒体技术支持下的场馆建设与场馆学习——以现代教育技术博物馆为例
該期刊-下一篇 基于文化—历史活动观的小学生项目式STEM学习模式探索




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