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Research on the Application of Collective Interactive Learning Analytics under the Web Environment——From the Perspective of Social Network Analysis
作者 劉三女牙石月鳳劉智彭晛孫建文
Online learners can exchange ideas and information at any time through the rich social media, thus the individual knowledge networks can be formed. Simultaneously, the synergistic effects can be generated during peer interaction processes. In recent years, more and more educational researchers have begun to pay attention to the social interaction behaviors within the learning community formed under the online learning environment, and utilized social network analysis approaches to reveal learners’ interaction patterns to improve the quality and effectiveness of online learning. In this paper, firstly, we describe the related concepts about social network analysis and learning analytics. Secondly, through the literature analysis, we summarize domestic and foreign learning analytic research in social network analysis. Finally, we summarize six primary aspects of applications of social network analysis in the learning analytics field under the network environment. This summary aims to reveal the current research situation and developing tendency of social network analysis method in learning analytics field to provide the references for data-driven learning behavior analysis research.
起訖頁 005-012
關鍵詞 社会网络分析文献综述群体互动SNALearning AnalyticsLiterature ReviewGroup Interaction
刊名 中國電化教育  
期數 201702 (361期)
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 “互联网+”时代高校教师的教学新理念
該期刊-下一篇 SOHO式学习:“互联网+”时代下的学习新形态




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