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Analysis the correlation between Career Interest, Career Self-Efficacy to Professional Satisfaction and Career Maturity
作者 黃素菲 (Su-Fei Huang)
In this study, the students of Shanghai Jiao Tong University as the research subject, career interest, professional satisfaction, career self-efficacy, career maturity as research variables, "career interest inventory", "career maturity scale", "career self efficacy scale" as research tools for data collection. There are three main purpose of this study. First is to explore the different of background and environmental factors at the career interest, career self-efficacy,career maturity. Secondary is to explore the predictability of career interest differentiations, congreuence and career self-efficacy to professional satisfaction. Third is to explore the predictability of career self-efficacy to professional satisfaction and career maturity. There are five main findings of this study. First is the sequential of career interest Holland’s code from high to low of all subjects were Research, Art, Enterprise, Practical, Conventional and Social. Secondary is there are found that career congruence between person-envenromental at each ecadamic department. Third is the career interest differentiations, congreuence and career self-efficacy can predict career maturity. Fourth is the career interest differentiations, congreuence and career self-efficacy can predict the professional satisfaction.Fifth is urban and rural areas, parents' education level and socioeconomic background variables could causing career interest difference, the more poverty students the higher their Practical code. The more affluent students the higher their Art code. Parents with higher education level, their children will present higher Art code. Finally, According to the research findings privede some career education and guidance suggessions and some opinion for further study.
起訖頁 029-060
關鍵詞 生涯興趣生涯區分性生涯適配性生涯自我效能生涯成熟career interestcareer differentiationcareer congruencecareer self-efficacycareer maturity
刊名 輔導與諮商學報  
期數 201605 (38:1期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系
該期刊-上一篇 科技領域女大學生堅持科學課程的動機及其生涯價值觀之探究
該期刊-下一篇 家庭與學校知覺影響高中職生偏差行為之探討




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