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The Development of Spontaneity Scale
作者 賴志超 (Chih-Chao Lai)
自發性是心理劇治療的核心構念,與心理適應有密切關係。本研究旨在編製華 人的「自發性量表」並評估量表之品質。研究一以251 名參與者進行探索性因素分 析,再以251 名參與者進行驗證性因素分析,發現自發性為「自在」、「愉悅」、 「有信心」、「有愛」、「活力」五因素模式;自發性與創造傾向、創新行為有顯 著正相關。研究二針對研究一的參與者,間隔5 週後再度施測,計有361 名的參與 者。自發性與其五分量表皆有良好的再測信度。此外,自發性與心理適應指標有顯 著相關,與正向心理適應有高度正相關,特別是正向情緒與心理資本,相關係數都 大於.70。自發性與常見精神疾病有中度負相關,與負向情緒有顯著負相關,惟相 關較小。研究三以另外289 名參與者交叉驗證分析下,適配度指標支持自發性測量 模式有跨樣本穩定性的假設,表示本量表具有模式的穩定性。最後,本研究針對自 發性研究與應用進行討論,並提出未來研究的建議。
Spontaneity, a core construct of psychodrama group therapy, is highly related to psychological health. This research aims to develop a Chinese Spontaneity Scale and evaluates the quality of this self-reported scale. Data in study 1 were collected from a sample of 502 university students which were equally split into two groups. Exploratory (n = 251) and confirmatory (n = 251) factor analyses supported the five factor structure of the 21-item Spontaneity Scale. The five factors were named as “free”, “pleasure”, “confidence”, “felt love”, and “vigor”. The Spontaneity Scale and its five subscales, with good reliabilities, were significantly related to creativity tendency and innovation behavior. In study 2,361 participants, previously tested, were asked to complete another questionnaire for a five-week retest of the measure. The result revealed good reliability and test-retest reliability. Spontaneity was correlated with several indices of psychological a daptation. Spontaneity was positively correlated positive affects and psychological capital, with correlations greater than .70. Spontaneity was negatively correlated with common mental disorders and negative affects. With another 289 participants, study 3 with cross-validation analysis revealed a well-constructed stability model. Finally, potential theoretical and practical applications of the scale were discussed, and several recommendations were proposed for future studies.
起訖頁 051-074
關鍵詞 心理適應自發性自發性量表psychological adaptationspontaneitySpontaneity Scale
刊名 測驗學刊  
期數 201703 (64:1期)
出版單位 心理出版社
該期刊-上一篇 運用調整後之標準化殘差法撿視賴氏人格類型之分類




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