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Helping Disadvantaged Students Learn: An Exploration of Teacher Beliefs and Teaching Approaches
作者 宋佩芬
近年來教育部對於弱勢學生的學習進行多項扶助的方案,然而教師信念在其中所扮 演的角色為何?本研究試圓探究參與扶助弱勢學生學習之方案教師的教學信念及教學方 式,以瞭解教師對學生的期望及作法有何不同。本研究對台北市及新北市16位參與不同 方案之中小學教師進行半結構式訪談,並以紮根理論進行資料分析。研究發現,扶助弱 勢學習的教師在教學上有四種取向一即傳統消極、傳統積極、引發動機及關懷取向。文化 回應教學在四種取向中皆不受重視。教師的教學信念影響其對弱勢教學的實質內涵,方 案特色亦有影響。本文建議扶助弱勢的政策應該協助教師檢視與釐清(1)教師本身對弱 勢學生的教學信念,及(2)所參與之方案的目標,以協助教師反思自己的教學取向,考 量不同的教學方式,使弱勢學生得到真正具轉化性的幫助。
The Ministry of Education has funded various kinds of remedial projects to boost learning outcomes of disadvantaged students through the years. However, we do not know in what ways teachers teach in those projects. This study attempts to explore the beliefs and practices of teachers in order to understand how students might be affected by their teaching. Sixteen teachers from different elementary and junior-high schools in Taipei and New Taipei City were interviewed. The result shows that teachers demonstrate four teaching approaches when helping disadvantaged students--the passive traditional, the progressive traditional, the motivating, and the caring approaches. Culturally responsive teaching is overlooked in all four approaches. The analysis shows that teacher beliefs influence classroom practices; project characteristics also have bearing on teaching. The author suggests that policies should help teachers examine and clarify their beliefs about teaching disadvantaged students, as well as their goals for participating in the remedial projects, so that they may reflect upon their teaching approaches and consider different methods to facilitate students’ learning in a more transforming way.
起訖頁 149-180
關鍵詞 弱勢學生教師信念教學取向Disadvantaged studentsteacher beliefsteaching approaches
刊名 嘉大教育研究學刊  
期數 201612 (37期)
出版單位 國立嘉義大學
該期刊-上一篇 從Charles Taylor「反結構」概念探討 現代社會價值教育的重構




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