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Stream of Consciousness, Peristalsis and Translation: 'Lestrygonians' from the Narratological Perspective
作者 鄭永康
”Lestrygonians” is one of the most challenging episodes in ”Ulysses” owing to its allusive depth and extraordinary wit. Descriptions of the aroma and images of food, the pungent associations they conjure up in the ”thoughtful” mind of Bloom, once juxtaposed with interior monologues showing his disturbing anxiety over Molly's infidelity, easily contribute to the difficulty of understanding the text of the episode. In this initial style, the frequent use of short psycho-narration passages reminds us of the narrator's presence through brief narrative introductions of on-going actions and scenarios in the narrative. These introductions and the need to present the inner thoughts of characters make possible the splicing of psycho-narration with monologues, and for the narrator's adoption of figural voice, both of which complicate reading and translation. In this paper, these issues on the interpretation of the episode's textual structure are studied by comparing the two Chinese translations with Joyce's original. How the initial style in ”Lestrygonians,” when combined with the food theme, interfered with reading and translation is studied from the narratological point of view using Dorrit Cohn's methodology of classifying acts of the mind.
起訖頁 53-85
關鍵詞 尤利西斯萊斯特呂恭人意識流獨白閱讀文學翻譯喬伊斯蕭乾金隄現代主義文學UlyssesLestrygoniansliterary translationJames Joycestream of consciousnessinterior monologuereadingthought representationModernist fictionXiao QianJin Di
刊名 臺大語言與文學研究  
期數 201306 (29期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 「嗎啡還是古柯鹼?」福爾摩斯與毒品的社會觀感
該期刊-下一篇 親密的倫理與國家的政治:論東尼˙庫許納之《美國天使》




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