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Dr. Fredric Wertham was an idiot: Reclaiming Batman and Robin in Michael Chabon's 'Kavalier & Clay'
作者 王惠茹
In his 1954 anti-comics book ”Seduction of the Innocent”, psychiatrist Fredric Wertham alleged that Batman comics stimulate homosexual fantasies and that Batman and Robin are gay. This essay examines Michael Chabon's repudiation of Wertham's gay Batman reading in his superhero novel, ”The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay” (2000). The reading is focused on the novel's gay protagonist Sam Clay and his perceived preference for adding the boy sidekick to the superhero in his comics career. This hero/sidekick paring becomes controversial in the Kefauver hearings, in which U.S. senators investigated the alleged link between crime comics and the increase of juvenile delinquency, in light of Wertham's gay reading as well as Clay's sexual orientation. In doing so, I first review Chabon's role in elevating the superhero genre in literary studies, Wertham's gay reading and its effect on the arc of the Batman comics in the late 1950s and early '60s. I then focus on the specter of Wertham in Chabon's text, analyzing Chabon's employment of superhero tropes of the boy sidekick and secret identity to invoke and repudiate Wertham's homosexual reading. Lastly, I examine how Chabon justifies his reading of the deep bond between Batman and Robin as one between a father and son by examining Clay's traumatic relationship with his father and the idea of partnership his father inspired in him, as well as his important male relationships.
起訖頁 59-86
關鍵詞 弗雷德里克‧魏特漢麥可‧謝朋蝙蝠俠小男孩搭檔秘密身份同性戀《卡瓦利與克雷的神奇冒險》Fredric WerthamMichael ChabonBatmanboy sidekicksecret identityhomosexuality'Kavalier & Clay'
刊名 臺大語言與文學研究  
期數 201212 (28期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-上一篇 「美國新面貌」?種族問題與羅利《美國之子》中的認同危機
該期刊-下一篇 在陰影下「找尋邊陲」:莫妮卡•阿里的《廚房》和當代英國寫作




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