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The Harp That Once Did Starve Us All: Famine Representations in 'Lestrygonians'
作者 周幸君
The Great Famine in mid-nineteenth-century Ireland has resulted in complete devastation, its impact lasting until the next century. James Joyce has inherited this cultural memory and incorporated Famine representations into his text. The episode of ”Lestrygonians” abounds in descriptions of foodstuffs and images of starvation. The contrast between the plenitude of foods and numbers of famished skeletons unmistakably recalls the Famine era when Ireland produced plentiful foodstuffs while her own people were starving due to their lack of the entitlement rights to them. Moreover, the evocation of the Famine icons in this episode-walking skeletons, ravenous eaters, and so on-suggests the lingering of Famine memory, if not the continuation of Famine horrors. By representing hunger images in an episode saturated with food and eating, Joyce not only evokes the mid-nineteenth-century Famine, but suggests that famished ghosts in 1904 still haunted the city and accompanied the Dubliners in their daily life-inclusive of a cultural outsider, Leopold Bloom.
起訖頁 1-31
關鍵詞 喬伊斯〈萊斯楚恭尼亞人〉大饑荒愛爾蘭餓死鬼James Joyce'Lestrygonians'Great FamineIrelandfamished ghosts
刊名 臺大語言與文學研究  
期數 201212 (28期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學出版中心
該期刊-下一篇 「美國新面貌」?種族問題與羅利《美國之子》中的認同危機




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