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勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Correlates of Workplace Stress and Presenteeism among Taiwanese Workers
作者 楊心豪黃筱茜洪粕宸莊啟佑方煒
近本研究主要針對溫室作業場所進行空氣中細菌與真菌之調查,以瞭解目前台灣之溫室 作業場所中生物性危害之程度。研究中選取3間家溫室作業場所進行採樣分析,細菌與真菌 生物氣膠分佈是利用衝擊式(impactor)生物氣膠採樣器進行採樣,採樣分為上午、中午與下午 三時段進行採樣。生物氣膠採集後之真菌與細菌樣本則進一步將其純化培養,再予以分子生 物鑑定方式進行菌種鑑定。研究結果發現,平均細菌生物氣膠濃度達到最高1,674±296CFU/ m3,真菌生物氣膠最高可達到6,432±981CFU/m3。菌種鑑定結果顯示,真菌有Trichoderma spp.、Penicillium spp.、Aspergillus spp.、Acremonium spp.、Meira spp.。細菌則有Bacillus spp.、Planobacterium spp.、Chryseobacterium spp.、Jeotgalicoccus spp.、Staphylococcus spp. Nocardiopsis spp.、Agromyces spp.、Micrococcus spp.。
This study aims to investigate the airborne microorganisms and bacteria endotoxins in the greenhouse, for understanding biological hazards in Taiwan greenhouse. Three greenhouses were selected as the testing subjects. The bacteria and fungi bioaerosol distributions were sampling by impactor bioaerosol sampler. The species of bioaerosol samples in the operating workplace were finally purified, cultured, and further identificated by molecular biology. The results showed that in the greenhouses, the highest average bacteria bioaerosol concentrations was in the range of 1674±296 CFU/m3, and the highest average fungi bioaerosols concentration was about 6,432±981 CFU/m3. According to the identificated of molecular biology in the greenhouses, bacteria bioaerosols were Bacillus spp., Planobacterium spp., Chryseobacterium spp., Jeotgalicoccus spp., Staphylococcus spp., Nocardiopsis spp., Agromyces spp., and Micrococcus spp.. The fungi bioaerosols were Trichoderma spp., Penicillium spp., Aspergillus spp., Acremonium spp. and Meira spp.
起訖頁 268-289
關鍵詞 溫室作業環境生物氣膠細菌真菌分佈BioaerosolsGreenhouseBacteriaFungiDistribution
刊名 勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 201509 (23:3期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣受僱者職場壓力與減效出席之相關因素
該期刊-下一篇 多環芳香烴化物暴露對煉焦勞工氧化傷害評估研究




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