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The Effect of Filter and Faceseal Leakage on the Protection Performance of Disposable Masks
作者 李書安李和益蔡杰孚陳春萬吳杰亮
Contaminants enter inside the mask through the filter and faceseal leakage, and then enter the human body through the respiratory tract. Distinguished from previous studies only exploring the filter filtration efficiency, this study focuses on exploring the impact of filter and faceseal leakage on the overall protection efficiency provided by filtering facepiece respirators against dust. In this study, a newly developed personal sampling system was used to evaluate the leakage rate when a filtering facepiece respirator was donned either on a mannequin or a human subject. In the mannequin test, the test respirator was silicon-sealed on the face or with a fixed faceseal leak to investigate the filter leakage rate as well as the impact of the breathing pattern and frequency on the respirator protection. In the human test, 30 subjects were employed to assess the overall leakage rate. The faceseal leakage rate was obtained by the overall leakage rate minus the filter leakage rate. The results show the overall leakage rate was overestimated at a constant inhalation flow with high frequencies, otherwise, it was underestimated with low frequencies. Therefore, the breathing rate should be considered in the evaluation of respirator efficiency. In addition, the particle penetration through the faceseal leak was greater than that through the filter. The leakage rates of faceseal leaks and filter of surgical masks were greater than those of FFP series of respirators. Although the protection of FFP series of particulate masks is better than surgical masks, most wearers will feel uncomfortable, and move them during work, resulting in a decrease in protection. Therefore, the future mask design should be directed to how to increase the wearer’s comfort and reduce particulate penetration through the faceseal leaks.
起訖頁 170-190
關鍵詞 濾材臉部孔隙洩漏呼吸模式口罩防護係數FilterFaceseal leakBreathing patternFacepiece respiratorProtection factor
刊名 勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 201506 (23:2期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 人造石材業職業衛生評估調查
該期刊-下一篇 持住時間與作業高度對於國人持住能力之效應




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