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Effectiveness of Prenatal Education Intervention on the Southeast Asian PregnantWomen in Transnational Marriage, Knowledge and Attitude
作者 王秀禾 (Hsiu-Ho Wang)李麗珠郭素青 (Su-Ching Kuo)周培萱賴玉敏
The purpose of this study the Southeast Asian pregnant women receiving antenatal education on pregnancy knowledge, attitude of the results. Taken hold those experimental design, a convenience sample of 60 Southeast Asian women as objects, Randomly assigned into experimental group and control group 30 of 30 in the control group. The brochure given to the experimental group, except the brochure given to outside, and accept the guidance of one to one prenatal care. The results showed: the experimental group than the control group of knowledge of pregnancy, and significant differences. Attitude of the experimental group slightly better than the control group. Attitude of pregnancy did not reach significant difference. This study demonstrates the acceptance of brochure and one to one prenatal care, compared with patients who received only brochure, more effective in increasing knowledge and attitudes of maternal pregnancy. Future applications in the care for Southeast Asian women's pregnancy health education designed to look at this, can serve as nurses to provide guidance to foreign mothers participation in prenatal care.
起訖頁 172-182
關鍵詞 跨國婚姻妊娠知識妊娠態度pregnancy knowledgepregnancy attitude.
刊名 健康管理學刊  
期數 201112 (9:2期)
出版單位 臺灣健康管理學會
該期刊-上一篇 醫院推動節約能源措施之研究
該期刊-下一篇 社會資本對醫事人員工作效率影響之分析




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