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Study on the Correlation among the Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome, Health Concept and Health Promoting Lifestyles for the Employees of High-tech Industry
作者 劉美蘭康雅菁陳俊瑜張斯蘭
The purpose of this study is to understand the present situations of the prevalence of metabolic syndrome, health conception, and health promotion lifestyle of high-tech industry employees, and to discuss the correlation of these three factors. Targeting the employees in a technology company in Nei-Hu Science Park, Taipei City, a general survey of all the employees in the company was conducted as the empirical research method of the study. Health conception scale and health promotion lifestyle scale are among the research tools employed. Not counting the 66 preliminary survey questionnaires, 1181 filled-out questionnaires were collected and 1100 of them were effective with a response rate of 84.35%. The survey results were used to conduct descriptive analysis, t test, one-way NOVA, and Pearson’s Correlation Analysis, etc. From the results, it is discovered that the prevalence of metabolic syndrome of high-tech industry employees is 8.6%. For employee health conception, adaptation ability had the highest score, and clinical care the lowest. For health promotion lifestyle, self-realization received the highest score, while exercise and health responsibility were not as well-performed. The study recommends that, 1) the industry would establish sound health management system and plan for exercising, recreational, and related activities; and that 2) the employees would increase their daily activity level, develop a habit of regular exercise, choose appropriate exercising activities, participate in social club activities, reduce unhealthy behaviors, reduce consumption of high cholesterol and high calorie foods, and balance the intake of the six major food groups.
起訖頁 57-73
關鍵詞 健康概念健康促進生活型態代謝症候群高科技產業Health conceptHealth promoting lifestyleMetabolic syndromeHigh-tech industry.
刊名 健康管理學刊  
期數 201106 (9:1期)
出版單位 臺灣健康管理學會
該期刊-上一篇 以品質突破系列模式降低非計畫性氣管內管滑脫率
該期刊-下一篇 高科技男性工程師身體活動測量工具效度探討




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