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Utilization of Outpatient Rehabilitation for Disabled Elderly Stroke Patients in Different Care Settings and Its Implications for Long-Term Care Policy
作者 楊惠真鄭讚源林四海方志琳丁增輝
Recent changes in patterns of disease occurrence and family care for the elderly have lead to various long-term care issues concerning care quality and resource allocation in Taiwan. This study tries to investigate the patterns of utilization of the rehabilitation service among the stroke elderly with disability and the difference of utilization among various long-term care settings. The outpatient reimbursement claim data of the National Health Insurance in 2008 was retrieved. A total of 6,335 disabled stroke elderly were selected from the middle Taiwan in a cross sectional design. 77.6% of the patients received home care (HC), while 10.3% and 12.0% were cared in nursing homes (NH) and residential care facilities (RCF) respectively. The average months of receiving rehabilitation service were 11.69 (HC group), 14.78 (NH group) and 12.91 (RCF group). The average numbers of outpatient rehabilitation visits per year were 131, 214, and 211 for the HC, NH, and RCF groups respectively. After controlling for demographics, socioeconomic status, urbanization, health status, and medical service setting, the utilization and medical expenditure of the rehabilitation service were significantly higher in the long-term care facilities (NH and RCF groups) than in the HC groups. The RCF had highest utilization and the NH group had highest medical expenditure. The utilization and medical expenditure of the rehabilitation service were significantly higher among the disabled stroke elderly in the long-term care facilities than those cared at their homes. In order to increase the efficiency of the use of rehabilitation service, the government may apply the study findings to project the medical expenditure in designing a long-term care insurance system.
起訖頁 1-16
關鍵詞 中風失能老人長期照顧復健StrokeDisabled ElderlyLong-term CareRehabilitation
刊名 健康管理學刊  
期數 201106 (9:1期)
出版單位 臺灣健康管理學會
該期刊-下一篇 品管圈活動運用於解決醫院單位成本問題之實務:以某復健中心為例




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