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Need Assessment of Employees’ Mental Health—A Case Study in Taiwan
作者 童淑琴林雅雯 (Ya-Wen Lin)黃曉令黃瑞明
This study aimed to assess the current status of employees’ mental health in a hospiital. The subjects in the present study were the employees of a public specialty hospital in the region of Tainan county in 2007 in Taiwan. The three major techniques used in gathering the quantitative and qualitative diagnostic data are in-depth interviews, evaluation of archival data, and questionnaire survey. “The self-assessment tool for Employee Mental Health Promotion in Hospitals” was used to survey and determine whether the current state of MHPH practices in the case hospital is appropriate and meet the WHO-HPH standards. The results show that employees reported poor self-reported mental health status and support of mental health-related environment. The study findings imply that it’s very important to design and implement mental health programs based on this need assessment, collect mental heath improved criteria and try to advertise the mental health promotion programs, which will help to promote employees’ health.
起訖頁 185-196
關鍵詞 健康促進醫院職場健康促進心理健康促進需求評估Health promotion hospitalMental healthNeed assessment
刊名 健康管理學刊  
期數 200812 (6:2期)
出版單位 臺灣健康管理學會
該期刊-上一篇 門診病患對服務品質的重視度及滿意度調查分析——以某醫學中心為例




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