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Institutional Internal Reporting Systems for Patient Safety – A Case Study of a Regional Hospital
作者 郭素娥 (Su-Er Guo)姚銘忠楊鎮嘉黃梅芬
Internal Reporting Systems (IRS) assist medical professionals in having more information on the possible causes of Medical Adverse Events (MAE). IRS could solve the MAE or help in improving the situations with close to real-time control on the problems via information sharing in the healthcare system. More importantly, IRS not only leads to minimal harm/damage from MAE, but also teaches employees to learn lessons from dealing with MAE. In this study, we take a regional hospital as a case and propose a four-stage methodology, namely, documentation, rationalization, standardization and information, for establishing an institutional internal reporting system for patient safety. In the case-hospital, the proposed IRS provides an effective feedback mechanism for MAE, and sends those events with their severity assessment code larger than two to the Root-Cause-Analysis team for further discussions. All the employees in the hospital may learn the experience in dealing with those MAE via the knowledge sharing web-pages in the IRS. Our study also observes that IRS helps in saving significant efforts for preparing documents and manual operations for taking care of patient safety problems. Furthermore, the convenience as well as the encouragement of no-penalty from the proposed IRS dramatically improves the employees’ motivation of reporting MAE and successfully builds an excellent organizational culture on patient safety.
起訖頁 1-16
關鍵詞 病人安全根本原因分析通報資訊系統Patient safetyRoot cause analysisInternal reporting system
刊名 健康管理學刊  
期數 200806 (6:1期)
出版單位 臺灣健康管理學會
該期刊-下一篇 探討不同統計方式分析縱貫性研究之成效




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