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The Assessment of Care Quality in Nursing Homes for Elders: An Application of PZB SERVQUAL Model and Fuzzy AHP Method
作者 王文良盧一帆張宏哲 (Hong-Jer Chang)劉安琪
根據內政部社會司資料統計,台灣自1980 年代中期已完成人口轉型,直至1993 年間,台灣老年人口比例佔了總人口7%,預計2026 年所佔比例將高達20.69%,已達成世界衛生組織(WHO)所訂定之高齡化社會國家之標準。然而,在老人養護需求的快速成長下,台灣養護機構林立,但服務品質卻良莠不齊。對機構而言,服務品質不僅可利用來建立其正面形象、增進親和力及兩造間的互動,亦可使得案家(需求者及家屬)信任程度提昇,然而機構如何確保其服務品質,即成為案家心目中極為重要的問題。本研究首先利用PZB 服務品質模式,建立養護機構服務品質衡量之準則,再藉由模糊德菲法(Fuzzy Delphi Method ; FDM)之方式,透過專家訪談進行準則的萃取,以得知影響服務品質的重要因素為何。最後並藉由模糊層級分析法(Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process; FAHP)和相似性整合法(Similarity Aggregation Method; SAM)的方式求算各準則的重要性程度,以得到養護機構服務品質衡量之指標,提供養護機構於進行服務品質管理規劃時,一個客觀及標準化的參考依據。
According to Social Service Division of the Interior Affair Ministry, Taiwanexperienced a major transition in its population structure in the middle of 1980’s. Itinaugurated a period of rapid growth in aging population. By 1993, the aged havereached 7% of the total population, marking Taiwan as an aging society as defined bythe World Health Organization. The aged were projected to reach 20.69% by the yearof 2026. An aging population may drive up the needs for Long-Term Care. Inresponse, the past decade has seen a dramatic increase in the provision of Long-TermCare services, including institutional care. For the providers of nursing homes,quality of care entails a promotion of public images, an obtainment of trust by carerecipients and their family members, and consequently an increase in service use.The remaining question pertains to how to assure the quality of care.This paper utilized the PZB SERVQUAL model with Fuzzy Delphi Method tobuild up criteria of measuring the service quality for institution care. It then appliedFuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process and Similarity Aggregation Method to find theimportant degree of each criterion, so that there will be an objective, standardizedmeasure to follow up while proceeding service quality planning for the nursing homes.
起訖頁 103-120
關鍵詞 養護機構PZB 服務品質模式模糊德菲法相似性整合法模糊層級分析法Nursing homePZB SERVQUAL modelFuzzy Delphi methodSAMFuzzy AHP
刊名 健康管理學刊  
期數 200606 (4:1期)
出版單位 臺灣健康管理學會
該期刊-上一篇 東南亞跨國婚姻婦女孕期身心壓力調查
該期刊-下一篇 應用作業基礎成本法評估自然產與剖腹產手術成本




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