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Promoting Media Literacy’ as Practicing "Media Reform": Reflecting on Personal Experiences
作者 蔡蕙如
This paper assesses conceptions and practices in critical media literacy. In particular, it focuses on teaching experience and the processes which combine the educator’s reflection of theories of the ‘public sphere’, ‘media literacy’, and ‘communication civil rights’. The paper is divided into three main parts. The first of four sections will briefly cover the history of media reform and the relationship between the media reform movement and critical media literacy lessons in community colleges. It will connect this to the idea of ‘turn to the public’. The meaning and position of ‘media literacy’ in the broad media reform movement will also be analysed. Following this, in the second section, conceptualizations of the ‘public sphere’, ‘public pedagogy’, and ‘critical media literacy pedagogy’ will be developed. Finally, three stages of the lesson design and practical interactions will be examined dialectically. In particular, the community college field research on my teaching experience will be described in the third section, and the suggestions, reflections and conclusions from the research will be examined in the last section.
起訖頁 119-152
關鍵詞 媒體改革媒體識讀社區大學傳播公民權公共教育學批判的媒體識讀教育學communication civil rightcommunity collegecritical media literacy pedagogymedia literacymedia reformpublic pedagogy
刊名 新聞學研究  
期數 201604 (127期)
出版單位 國立政治大學新聞系
該期刊-上一篇 追分趕秒:新聞組織的時間結構化策略──以報社圖表產製為例
該期刊-下一篇 博腦佛心:重返新聞專業初心的路途有多遠?──追思徐佳士教授新聞教育的核心價值




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