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Media, Environment of Quotations, Cult of Personality: Research Based on People’s Liberation Army Daily (1960-1969)
作者 吳廷俊喻頻蓮
20 世紀60 年代初,林彪秉承「大擁大順」的態度,在全軍掀起了「活學活用毛澤東著作運動」。《解放軍報》率先對運動展開宣傳並將其引領到「語錄化」的捷徑。毛澤東出於「有必要搞點個人崇拜」的政治謀略,支持了運動的開展。「文革」起,中央文革小組對新聞界廣泛奪權後,全國媒體與《解放軍報》的宣傳「共振」,啟動了民眾心中歷史積澱的崇拜心理,使之迅速生長、蔓延並狂熱化,對於「一元化的人造秩序」──語錄環境的建構與維繫發揮著重要作用。
In the early 1960s, Lin Biao launched the movement of "learning Mao Zedong’s works" in the whole army with the attitude of firmly supporting and obeying Mao Zedong in his heart. The PLA Daily took the lead in the campaign propaganda and leaded it to the shortcut of "quotations". Mao Zedong, out of the political strategy of being necessary to have personality cult, supported the campaign. After the power of the press was widely seized by the Central Cultural Revolution Group, the resonance caused by the propaganda of the national media and the PLA Daily activated the worship psychology of the public accumulated in history and made it grow quickly, spread widely and fever crazily, thus the environment of quotations with the personality cult as the core came into being.
起訖頁 39-73
關鍵詞 毛主席語錄活學活用毛澤東著作運動個人崇拜解放軍報Quotations from Chairman Maothe movement of "learning Mao Zedong’s works"cult of personalityPLA Daily
刊名 新聞學研究  
期數 201604 (127期)
出版單位 國立政治大學新聞系
該期刊-上一篇 媒體科技與現代性--回溯三○年代臺灣的廣播經驗與都會生活
該期刊-下一篇 追分趕秒:新聞組織的時間結構化策略──以報社圖表產製為例




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