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Reclaiming Intergenerational Transmission of Indigenous Language within the Home: A Case Study of an Amis Family
作者 張學謙
台灣本土語言流失,轉向華語,對本土語言保存形成嚴重的威脅。其中原住民族語瀕危最為嚴重,被比喻為進入加護病房。原住民族語的使用調查也證明族語嚴重瀕危,必須盡快搶救。家庭是族語保存最後的堡壘,然而,在語言戰爭中,族語節節敗退,華語取代族語成為家庭語言。急劇的族語流失,難免讓人懷疑族語有沒有辦法復振?因此,本文探討的問題是:在族語流失的背景下,家庭如何透過語言政策的規劃,維繫族語保存?家庭語言政策對兒童的族語習得,扮演重要的角色。家長採取自由放任的家庭語言政策,常導致犧牲族語,華語主導家庭領域。本文運用Spolsky(2004)的家庭語言政策(family language policy)理論,探討家庭的語言實踐、語言意識形態及語言管理。本文以單一個案研究法,探討一個阿美族家庭,面對家庭普遍的華語化,透過家庭語言政策,培育出通曉族語兒童的過程。結果顯示,批判的語言意識形態是再造家庭族語傳承的起點,加上適當的家庭語言管理策略,就有辦法逆轉社區在家說華語的模式,建立家庭的族語世代傳承。本個案研究顯示,家庭的由下而上的路線,不但有可能逆轉語言流失,也凸顯家庭語言政策對語言復振的重要。
In Taiwan, the shift of the mother tongues to Mandarin Chinese is the most serious threat to the preservation of Taiwanese local languages, especially the indigenous languages. Hospitalization metaphor is invoked to describe the serious endangerment of indigenous languages, saying they are in the ICU. Surveys of indigenous language maintenance also show the trend towards language extinction. Family language usage is the key to the maintenance of mother tongue. As Mandarin is replacing mother tongues as the family language, families are losing their last bastion of mother tongue maintenance. It makes one wonder if it is possible to revitalize endangered languages. The research question of this paper is: in drastic language shift situation, how one family can manage to reclaim their mother tongue through family language policy? The family language policy plays an important role in children's acquisition of the mother tongue. Parents' laissez-faire family language policy often leads to the dominance of Mandarin at the expense of mother tongues. The paper uses Spolsky's (2004) language policy theory to explore family members' language ideology, language management, and language practice. This paper is a single case study of an Amis family, which despite the general trend towards using Mandarin at home, manages to use Amis to raise their children. The results show that a critical language ideology is required to start the process of language revitalization at home. With critical language ideology as the starting point, parents need to implement their policy through language management strategies so that they can reverse the general practice of speaking majority language at home, and achieve intergenerational transmission of a minority language. This single case study shows that reversing language shift from a bottom-up approach is possible with family language policy as an important role in achieving language revitalization.
起訖頁 1-47
關鍵詞 家庭語言政策阿美族語語言復振族語世代傳承family language policyAmislanguage revitalizationintergenerational transmission of indigenous language
刊名 台灣原住民族研究  
期數 201611 (9:3期)
出版單位 東華大學原住民民族學院
該期刊-下一篇 從部落到聯合國及再返回:台灣原住民與國際原住民主義




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